The Schneyders

The Schneyders

Friday, April 27, 2012

it's a.........

Yesterday was our ultrasound appointment. We were chomping at the bit for the past month to be able to have another ultrasound and find out the sex of the baby. The technician asked us if we wanted to know the sex and we said "yes too many people are dying to know." She found the head first and said that the baby was head down towards my bladder, which is good. Then she found the feet by my ribs and the next thing was "Well I hope you wanted a boy!" This kid was definitely not shy about showing us that he was a boy. Every where she went he would be showing us. The hardest picture to get was of his face, he always had his hands up covering his face or turned away from us. It was crazy how much personality he already has and we can't wait to have him here.
He is measuring 13 oz and 9 1/4 in long. She said both of those were normal for the time. My due date stayed the same but he is measuring at 20 wks 5 days (yesterday) so that is 3 days ahead.

These are his feet

This one is kind of hard to tell what it is but you can see his face and shoulder and arm
 The whole time he was moving like crazy and I was amazed that there are times that I can feel him but most of the time I assume he is just being still. So it was definitely really cool to see how active he is and it made it a lot more real to Daniel to be able to see him and his face.


  1. What?!?! I was convinced it was going to be a girl! Though....boys are quite fantastic too :o) But I hate being wrong-haha. He looks quite handsome already, glad the ultrasound went well!

  2. Congratulations! Boys are so fun.

  3. A HUGE Congrats! We love our little boy. Can't wait to meet him!

  4. Awe Congrats Kristen! That's so exciting :)
