The Schneyders

The Schneyders

Friday, September 30, 2011


Poor Rhoda was branded today. I will say though that it was a lot easier to get the plates and inspection for my car (that I do not own, it's in my mom's name) than it was for me to change my name and get a driver's license. Daniel was sweet enough to put the plates on so I could take pictures of the whole thing. The stickers are proof of inspection and registration, different than Utah but that is what I have noticed about Texas, they like to be as different as possible when it comes to normal functions and the way of doing things.
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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Football Shirts

This is Daniel's shirt. I am very proud of how these have turned out. Daniel's says Where's My Beast? Explanation- We went to a scrimmage game for Kevin and sat by the opposing team ( it was just a little weird) But a mom from the other team kept yelling Where's My Beast!? And it was just hilarious.

I wanted to have a little fun with mine so it just says TIGERS and then that is their logo and it is on the back of my shirt on the the left corner. I will update again with pictures of us wearing the shirts :)
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So Kim liked the shirts so much that she asked me to add BOSS 71 on the back of hers and Kevin's. I wanted to do them a little different, so here are theirs.
 This one is Kim's
This one is Kevin's

Saturday, September 24, 2011

5 month update

So we have almost been here for 5 months and I just thought I would do a quick re-cap so everyone was on the same page. Daniel has gotten his promotion at work. It comes not only with a new title of Regional Manager but also with longer hours. He is still home when I get home but is still going it at 5 am so it makes it a long work day for him. He also gets health benefits, they pay for his gas ( well in his work truck and as soon as we have a place to park it he will be bringing it home), paying his phone bill (he is now on Verizon) and he will be getting another raise after his training period since he is barely making more than he was as a tech and they don't think it's fair to have him working so much and not getting paid for it. Right now he starts up pools, goes to the pools that specifically ask for a manager, works on the pools that have algae and picks of the slack of his less than motivated colleagues. The boy who took over Daniel's old route ( It is a very long route and has the most pools) will tell Daniel that he is further along than he really is or lies about where he is on the route, doesn't finish and doesn't tell anyone that he is having difficulties and so a lot of people aren't getting their service completed and are getting annoyed, so Daniel or Ryan (who is the Manager over Daniel) have to go out and do his pools that he claims to have already finished so that he doesn't get into trouble. It is very frustrating for Daniel and he has to check up on him daily. We hope the he will get back into his groove and get to work or they will have to start looking for a replacement.

I am trying to look for a part-time job so that we can bring in $500 extra a month so we will be able to get a larger loan for a house. So far I have only interviewed with Gap and they didn't call back so I am guessing they have filled their 5 positions with someone else. We are toying with the idea of opening a small clothing store here and that can be my job. I am thinking it will be more of a boutique and we may have tables that we can sell to other people who are interested in doing like a consignment deal with jewelry or things like that. That way they could rent a small portion and would help us. I am thinking of the name being Auntie K's or something like that....

We are in the process of consolidating Daniel's student loans and have reduced all of our monthly payments considerably; not having to pay Daniel's phone bill; lower truck payment; no credit card payments and we are hoping that with the consolidation of the student loans that will give us the edge we need to get a home loan. Our new goal is to be able to have Thanksgiving at our house.. wish us luck!

Hmm what else. I was called as Second Counselor in the Primary Presidency. The Primary Program is October 23rd. So once that is over with I think it will calm down a bit. I am the counselor over Cub Scouts. That is a lot more detailed than it used to be. I had to to do Youth Protection  Training and they want me to earn some of the religion patches as well. And they all say the  thing... Well Kevin knows all this. or You're Kevin's daughter-in-law it will be easy. or Daniel's done all this he'll help you. On Sunday I got.. Well you work with Gray he can help you out. Hopefully it won't be horrible as I am thinking it will be.

Our nights have gotten a little less full of tv. During this past summer we had a million shows going on and now we are sad and have to find new shows to watch. Our old line up was Sundays- Big Brother 13, Drop Dead Diva, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Big Rich Texas and Jerseylicious. Mondays- Design Star and Pawn Stars. Tuesdays- Chopped and Teen Mom Wednesdays- Big Brother 13 Thursdays- Big Brother 13 Saturdays we would watch the Project Runway that was new on Thursday. Now this Sunday is the season finale of Drop Dead Diva, and we still have Big Rich Texas and Jerseylicious. Mondays we have nothing. Tuesdays Chopped and Teen Mom ends this week. Wednesday we started watching Survivor and New Girl ( pretty decent so far) Thursday is Big Bang Theory, and we want to try Whitney (it comes on after the Office) and then we still have Project Runway on Saturdays. We also watch Cupcake Wars, Extreme Chef, Iron Chef America and Picker Sisters and Dance Moms. We usually watch these shows right before bed or while we are getting ready for bed. We also watch Heros on Netflix. I am looking forward to the day of watching tv on a couch again.

But that is really all that is going on. We aren't that interesting but hopefully soon I will have our shirts finished for our football games and we will be blogging about house hunting and decorating and the hassles of moving.

Friday, September 23, 2011


So we go to football games every Thursday. Here are pictures from the last couple games. Kevin plays defense and usually plays the last half of the game. It's really fun to see him play. During the first couple of games we were the only ones ( Daniel and I) that cheered with the cheerleaders. The mostly spell out TIGERS and GO. My favorite one is Dominate and Devastate we'll blow you away! Maybe I will have to record them so you all can see. 

 The water tower in these next couple pictures is the water tower right by his parents house and it's not even the closest school to us or even in the same city.

The boys have done really well and have won every game they have played. Our crowd usually doesn't get too crazy, but last night proved that the crowd can shift very quickly if they don't agree with the refs. During the whole game the refs were pretty hard on the boys and wouldn't give them the fair calls, but at the end own of our guys had intercepted a pass and they still gave their team a first down and when they didn't have any time outs left they gave it to them and debated for 5 minutes on if they could have a final play or not. Our crowd was booing and yelling and stomping. They gave them their final play and we sacked their quarterback. They were a mean team and would cheer when our boys messed up. Our boys got beat up even one of our runningbacks had fluid coming out of his ears, Hopefully he will recover and they give him the next game off.

Putt Putt

Daniel and I went putt putting this week for our date this week. This is the first time we have been out in the middle of the day for a long time! It is so great that the heat has decided to go away from time to time and we are left with some pleasant days.We got to play on all three courses( easy, medium and hard) because we had unlimited putt putting. There was only one other couple on the course so it was like we were alone and didn't have to rush or wait for someone ahead of us. Daniel won the first two rounds we played and we tied the last. We both have parts we are better at than the other. I got 2 holes in 1 and Daniel got 1 so if we are going by that I won :)

These pictures are taken from Daniel's new phone, I think it did a very good job. Glad that camera phones can finally be in the same caliber as a real camera.

 I like to make Daniel pose with animals and turtles seem to be his favorite so that is why you get him always posing with some animal.
It was harder than it used to be to pull myself up onto this structure than pulling myself out of a pool. Think that means we need to start working out again and doing some push ups along with either walking or running!