The Schneyders

The Schneyders

Thursday, February 14, 2013

4 months

Since tomorrow Wes will be 5 months I thought I would take a minute and post about all the cute things he does.

Wes loves squash, oatmeal, rice, green beans and bananas. He has tried sweet potatoes, peas, peaches and barley which he isn't the biggest fan of. He usually eats a lot like over half a cup of cereal and a whole container of fruits or vegetables and only has milk before bed, in the middle of the night and maybe sometime in the afternoon, but recently he is mostly not interested in eating solids and only has milk and has been spiting up a lot. I hope he is not sick like how Daniel was with his liver infection. With that stomach bile isn't produced and so you don't really feel hungry, your food isn't digested like it should be, food makes you gag and you generally throw up. So I am not sure if he is sick or if he just isn't as hungry anymore, or sick of the foods I am giving him. I have started giving him his own sippy cup, mostly it is something he can chew on without breaking it and can get some water out of it.

He is very close to sitting up alone. Right now he uses his hands on either side to support himself up. There are times he straightens out his back and sits up really well but gets tired. I have started putting him in the shopping cart and in a highchair when we go out so that I don't have to hold him and he can keep getting his back and abs stronger. He is also close to crawling. He can get up on his hands and knees for a long time and then can pull himself forward for a toy, washcloth and especially for a water bottle. He can roll over to his tummy and back. And loves to suck on his toes.

He is more forth coming with his smiles, but as soon as he sees a camera come out he just stares at it blankly. He also does the cutest face in the world while he is playing in his exersaucer, but as of yet I am unable to get it photographed.

He has gotten a lot better at not whining all the time and laughs more than cries. He is definitely a talker and does not like to sit there during church he wants to be able to talk to the people around him and play. So 90% of my time at church is spent in the hall with him chatting or rolling around and of course loving all the attention he gets.

He is wearing a spread of clothing from 3-6 months and 6-9 months but can still wear his 3 months jeans. So right now I have to keep mixing it up what he wears and make a mental note of when it's too small because he has to wear it one last time before it's washed and put away. He is in size 3 diapers and I have yet to go through an entire box of diapers that I have opened and generally only get through one bag and then have to put it away for a new size.

His favorite thing is the bath and I have started putting him in the big bath and let him kick around and splash and move around.

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