The Schneyders

The Schneyders

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Football Shirts

This is Daniel's shirt. I am very proud of how these have turned out. Daniel's says Where's My Beast? Explanation- We went to a scrimmage game for Kevin and sat by the opposing team ( it was just a little weird) But a mom from the other team kept yelling Where's My Beast!? And it was just hilarious.

I wanted to have a little fun with mine so it just says TIGERS and then that is their logo and it is on the back of my shirt on the the left corner. I will update again with pictures of us wearing the shirts :)
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So Kim liked the shirts so much that she asked me to add BOSS 71 on the back of hers and Kevin's. I wanted to do them a little different, so here are theirs.
 This one is Kim's
This one is Kevin's


  1. Yay? That's it? No... wow awesome tiger on the back, or great paint skills? Or where's my shirt? I gave you all blogs and ONLY ONE COMMENT per post. I need the motivation and support to keep posting.

  2. why aren't my comments showing????
