The Schneyders

The Schneyders

Friday, September 30, 2011


Poor Rhoda was branded today. I will say though that it was a lot easier to get the plates and inspection for my car (that I do not own, it's in my mom's name) than it was for me to change my name and get a driver's license. Daniel was sweet enough to put the plates on so I could take pictures of the whole thing. The stickers are proof of inspection and registration, different than Utah but that is what I have noticed about Texas, they like to be as different as possible when it comes to normal functions and the way of doing things.
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  1. I get a little verklemmt with each step you take to becoming less Utahn and more Texan...

  2. poor rhoda!! i hope you gave her a nice wash or something special to make up for it!

  3. it makes me a little emotional too mom. And not yet kins but I did blog about it so I feel that was giving her special attention.
