The Schneyders

The Schneyders

Saturday, October 22, 2011


This Friday we went to Kevin's Homecoming football game with him and his girlfriend, Taylor. The tradition in Texas, and maybe other southern states, is to make a Mum for your date if you are a boy or a garter(which they wear on the arm) if you are a boy. You can also make your own. There were also babies that were wearing them, a girl by us was given one by her Grandpa who she attended the game with. There are single mums, double mums, triple mums. Generally the older you are the more mums you are supposed to have. From the mum or garter there are streamers hanging down. They generally went mid thigh, but there were some that went all the way to the floor. The mum is your school colors or your dates school colors. Some people even go extreme and do a mash up of school colors so both are represented fairly. The streamers don't just have to be ribbon, they can be feathers, chains really anything you can get to stick on with a glue gun. Then after you have those basic things you personalize with your name, bells, again anything you can get to stick on with a glue gun.

                                  This is Kevin going up to Taylor's door
 I think she was embarrassed about how big it was. Kevin loved how big it was because all the freshman's at school were a lot smaller than hers but hers was still smaller than the Senior girls.

Sorry the pictures are so blurry. I don't know what was going on. But it was hard for him to get the pin through her shirt. She kept complaining that it was so heavy and that he poked her.

                    I also made her a shirt, so she changed into something more casual.

So then we get to the game and the stadium is like a professional stadium. They have a huge score board that you could watch the game from. They had regular bleacher seats and what I call baseball field seats. They only had these options on the home side, the visitors had to make do with only bleachers. The stadium we were in is used for all the Varsity games in Mansfield ISD and they rotate as to who is home. 

                   Pretty cool tunnel the opposing team came running out of (Cedar Hill Longhorns)

 The girls to the left are the "Gold Dusters" This is their drill team. Their outfits and routine were very 1940's. It was interesting. Not at all what I was expecting. They and the Cedar Hill " High Steppers" both performed at half time and did a kick line. The Gold Dusters also performed a routine, but it was very much like a cheerleader routine with pom poms and all.

 I swear I am not this white when I look in the mirror. It looks like I never spend any time outside.
                                                                   Visitors side

Okay the next like 40 pictures is of the marching band because the were A-MAZ-ING! The performed Dante's Inferno. They did so many intricate moves and were perfect in every formation. I wish my high school had had a band like this. 

 The whole band is laying down here and getting up in the next picture

I was very fascinated with it so I won't feel bad if you just scroll on through :)
This is Mansfield's tiger head that they cram all the players into and then run out. I think I am claiming Cedar Hill the winner on this one.
The game was kind of a let down. There were a lot of fights that broke out on the field but none were called by the ref.... don't understand that. The QB was horrible. I say they kind of gave up during the second half and in the middle of the 4th quarter half the audience left on our side. We did have a good time though and were happy we could go out with Kevin and Taylor (even though they didn't sit by us for more than 20 minutes)


  1. Where's your mum?!? I want one as big as my head with streamers to the floor! Did Kevin make his? How can we start this in Utah? So many questions!!!

  2. Daniel and I decided I would look too much like a student with a mum and he didn't want to get into trouble. We thought we were going to be like surrounded by students and that there would be a lot of questions, however the stadium had a ton of alumni and other spectators. Kevin did not make his, Kevin( Big) made the mums when Renea, Kim and Daniel were all in High School so he carried on the tradition. The base is just store bought ( it didn't used to be) and then you add your own decor. They can range from $50- $300 if you have it made. A little crazy if you ask me. I think you would have a little luck if you had some at your alumni meeting and maybe made some to sell. Once one school does it, it will become popular. OR they will think they are totally bizarre.

  3. when will you be opening your etsy shop selling these things for cheaper than $50?
