The Schneyders

The Schneyders

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Bed

  Daniel's parents had a king bed in the room we are staying in. We originally were going to bring my bed from Utah but decided we wanted nothing in the bed of the truck as to not tempt someone from stealing our things. So we slept on the king last night ( it only lasted the one night) and decided it was time to get a new bed so we could have restless sleep. The room was also cramped with a king and really only has room for a queen. We went to 3 different stores here in Arlington. The first store we were almost sold but decided to keep looking around. The second store was a no brainer, we were not going to buy from them and they kept constant pressure on us. The last store was just our kind of store, he was very casual and just let the product sell itself. The bed we fell in love with is his top seller. He sells this mattress 3 to 1 to any other mattress in the store. We decided to buy this bed and miraculously he had it in stock and we were able to take it home today. 
This is the room once we got the king out and had it ready for our bed.

King all loaded up in Daniel's truck. Wedonated it to the Mission Arlington.


  1. Looks good, I'm gonna halfta feel it to see why it's such a great seller!

  2. I want to see the rest of the room!
