The Schneyders

The Schneyders

Thursday, November 15, 2012

2 months

I just noticed that I had not posted his One Month update.. my apologies since now I am writing because he is 2 months old. He has definitely changed over the last month. We are getting smiles, and today I even got some giggles. He is getting into more of a routine and I am happy about that. I try and keep myself updated on the things he should be doing through emails with EverdayFamily and Pampers and others, but I have found them to be too broad and not really helpful. They have milestones that he is either way beyond or no where near, such as being on a schedule of 3 naps a day. I was reading Cailin's blog of when her girls were 2 months and they  seem pretty on pace with each other. He is fussy like Carmel whenever you put him down and would much rather be up and in your arms, but glad to know that is normal, at least in my family.
His naps are totally unpredictable however. I try to get  him to take a nap in the morning but it is generally for only 20-30 minutes. Then around noon(which is why I am able to write this) he takes another short nap for 45 min in which I scramble around trying to do things that I need to do without a baby in my arms like making lunch or grabbing a quick shower before the screaming starts when he realizes he is in a swing or lying down. Speaking of lying down, the only time he will sleep for a long period of time not being held is at night. He is a funny little boy, if you try to put him in his bed even ten minutes before he is ready he will scream like it's the most unfair thing in the world that you would ever think of putting him down, but once he has decided he is ready for bed he is itching for you to put him in it and won't stop crying until you put him down. Once he is down he sucks on his thumb for a bit and then sleeps for 5 or 6 hours wants to be fed and then if you are lucky he will sleep for 3 more hours if you aren't then its 2 hours. I just don't understand what it is about night time that he says "oh it's time for sleep and a long sleep" I know when he was first born I was begging for this and now that it is here I am so grateful, just baffled.
He is doing great with feeding still, although Tuesday and Wednesday he gave back 3 oz both times. I think Tuesday he gagged himself and yesterday he over ate.

Wes is always changing and doing something new, recently he shakes his head back and forth.. not sure why and it's random he will do it when he is laying on his back, he will do it when he is standing very inconsistent. The only thing I can think of is he notices that he can see things and is just looking all around him.. Not sure

One Month

Wes is already a month old. He is doing well and growing like a weed. He is 22 1/2 in long and 11 lbs 1 oz. He is getting stronger and can lift his head for a long time. Right now I am trying to go off dairy to see if that will relieve his gas and avoid all the tummy troubles. I have also began spreading his feeding times to 3 hours, he did really well yesterday and even slept for 5 hours. Although it was not uninterrupted because of his gas, he wakes up crying in pain and then falls right back to sleep once it passes. I hope that the non dairy helps however it has been 2 days and it has not helped. It is very hard to come up with things to eat that don't contain dairy so I hope it is worth it and I hope I can persevere.